Spanish 2


Please remember: Always use complete sentences for all your answers. These are samples – I may ask you some of these, or I may not, but if you learn them you will do well on your DBAs.


Module 1

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

What’s a reflexive verb?

Tell me three examples of reflexive verbs.

What’s a stem-changing verb?

Tell me three examples of stem-changing verbs.

Tell me five body parts in English and Spanish.

Explain your daily routine using 2 reflexive verbs, 2 hygiene products, and 1 regular verb. Remember to use time expressions.

Create two sentences describing your daily routine using at least 2 reflexive verbs, 1 stem changing verb, and 1 “yo-go” verb. Remember to use time expressions and ordinal numbers.

You learned about Maya customs in their games and clothing. Pick one of these topics you learned about and explain why it would be beneficial to continue these customs today.


Module 2

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

Tell me three parts of the car.

What is an informal and a formal command?

Create one sentence using comparatives and parts of the car.

Create one sentence using acabar + de + infinitive and a chore.

Create one sentence using acabar + de + infinitive and a school activity (homework, end of school day, etc).

Ricardo no usa el cinturón de seguridad. What command could you give Ricardo to help him be a safe driver (use it in a sentence)?

How would you say, highway, stop sign, traffic light, and bridge in Spanish?


Module 3

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

Change the ending for tropezar in the él/ella/usted form.

What is the tradition in Argentina with the tooth fairy?

Create a sentence using doler + a body part.

You are volunteering with your uncle who’s a dentist, and he is teaching a class at a preschool. In Spanish, give two formal commands to the group, one affirmative and one negative.

Using three body parts, tell a doctor that those body parts hurt/ache. (Ex. Doctor, my head, shoulder, and neck hurt)


Module 4

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

What are superlative adjectives?

Provide three examples of superlatives.

Create a sentence using two superlatives.

Using the vocabulary and tense learned from the module, create a sentence using de to show possession.

¿Cómo son las personas en tu familia?

Using the vocabulary and tense learned from the modules so far, create a sentence using de to show possession

Compare your grandmother and grandfather in two separate sentences. One using regular superlative adjectives and one using irregular superlative adjectives.


Module 5

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

What is the meaning of contigo?

Create a sentence using contigo.

Change the ending of planificar in the yo form in the preterite tense.

What does it mean? Hicieron un viaje a El Salvador.

Answer the following in Spanish: ¿Cómo fueron tus últimas vacaciones?

What are the differences between using “para” and “por”?

Complete the sentence and translate: Íbamos a Ecuador (blank) una semana.

Complete the sentence and translate: Viajaron (blank) avión a Chile.

Complete the sentence and translate: Pasamos (blank) el Canal De Panama.


Module 6

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

Mention three natural disasters (remember to use “the”).

Mention three causes of natural disasters (remember to use ‘the”).

Create a sentence using a persuasive phrase.

Create two sentences using regular verbs in the progressive tense.

Create a sentence using a persuasive phrase and an affirmative/negative phrase.

Translate: Yo estaba caminando por los ríos cuando hacía ecoturismo en Ecuador

Translate: Los maremotos son desastres naturales muy peligrosos. Un maremoto puede ser causado por un terremoto y hasta por un huracán con vientos fuertes. Las inundaciones de un maremoto causan daños a las personas, daños a los animales, y hasta daños a la propiedad.

Translate: Estuve admirando la vegetación al lado del lago y decidiendo cómo conservar los bosques el mes pasado.

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