Elementary Spanish 2

Module 2 DBA

  1. What did you see in this lesson that you would want to see in Spain, if you could visit?
  2. How is Spain different from your home or home country? How is it the same?
  3. How are the Spanish children the same as you?
  4. What day of the week is it?
  5. What are all the days of the week?
  6. Where do you go to buy food?
  7. Where do you go to borrow books?
  8. Where do you go to play and run around?
  9. Do you run fast or slow? What different animals do you know that run fast or slow? Say their names in Spanish.

Module 4 DBA

  1. What does La Fiesta del Toro mean?
  2. What is, yo corro rápido?
  3. What is, yo corro despacio?
  4. What is, la arena?
  5. How do you say lunch in Spanish?
  6. How do you say, I don’t know, in Spanish?
  7. How do you say, I wash my hands in Spanish?
  8. How do you say, I am hungry, in Spanish?
  9. How do you say, I know, and I don’t know, in Spanish?
  10. What is feliz?
  11. What is montañas?
  12. What do these mean? (los cinco sentidos – see below).
    a. Yo siento with mis manos.
    b. Yo veo with mis ojos.
    c. Yo pruebo with mi boca.
    d. Yo oigo with mis orejas.
    e. Yo huelo with mi nariz.

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