Spanish 1


Please remember: Always use complete sentences for all your answers. These are samples – I may ask you some of these, or I may not, but if you learn them you will do well on your DBAs.

Module 1

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

Make sure you know what you are saying when asked to translate to English

¿Cómo estás?

Explain the Spanish tradition of “la quinceañera”

¿Dónde vives tú?

Explain what a cognate is.

Can you give two examples of cognates?

¿Cuál es tu nacionalidad?

Explain what you learned about a Spanish-speaking country. What do you think is significant or interesting about it?

What is the capital of El Salvador?

What is the capital of Chile?

What is the capital of Argentina?

What is the capital of Colombia?

Module 2

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

Make sure you know what you are saying when asked to translate to English

¿Que necesitas para la escuela?

¿Necesitas una calculadora para la clase de computación?

¿Tú tienes clase de arte?

¿Tú estudias para la clase de español?

¿Qué clases estudias el martes por la mañana ?

¿Qué necesitas para la clase de matemáticas?

Spell your name in Spanish.

What is the difference between informal y formal? Answer in English

Module 3

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

Make sure you know how to translate your answer to English, if asked. 

¿Te gustan las papas fritas?

¿Qué le gusta a tu amigo?

What fun facts did you learn about food and mealtimes in Spanish-speaking countries?

¿Te gusta comer pizza?

¿Tú tienes hambre o tienes calor?

¿Tú bebes el jugo de naranja o la leche?

What might be considered bad manners in México and Chile?

¿Qué bebes tú cuando tienes sed?

What are some differences and similarities between the mealtime and restaurant practices between the U.S. and Spanish-speaking countries?

Module 4

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

Make sure you know how to translate your answer to English, if asked. 

¿Tienes un hermano o una hermana?

¿De qué color son tus ojos?

¿De qué color son tus ojos?

What are some Spanish terms of endearment and what do they mean?

¿Como se llama tu tío?

¿Quién tiene el pelo gris en tu familia?

¿Cómo es tu familia (tu mamá, tu papá, tus hermanos)? (provide physical and personal characteristics, like strong, smart, happy, etc.)

If you had a traditional Hispanic name, what would it be? Also discuss Spanish naming conventions.

Module 5

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

Make sure you know how to translate your answer to English, if asked. 

¿Tú vives en una casa o en un apartamento?

¿Cuántos cuartos hay en tu casa?

Describe some characteristics you learned about homes in Spanish-speaking countries.

¿Quién saca la basura en tu casa?

¿Dónde haces tú la tarea?

Compare and contrast living arrangements in Spanish-speaking countries.

¿Qué haces en tu cuarto?

How are household chores viewed in many Spanish-speaking countries? Give an example that might be similar to something you do at home with your family.

Module 6

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

Make sure you can translate all your answers to English, if asked. 

Necesitas comprar un libro; ¿vas a la biblioteca o a la librería?

¿Cómo vas al parque?

What did you learn about the markets in Spanish-speaking countries?

Necesitas comprar un libro; ¿vas a la biblioteca o a la librería?

¿Cómo vas al parque?

What did you learn about the markets in Spanish-speaking countrie

¿Qué haces cuando pasas tiempo con tus amigos? ¿Qué lugares visitan? ¿Por qué?

¿Dónde está la biblioteca en tu ciudad?

How are colonial cities in Spanish-speaking countries alike?


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