Spanish 1


Please remember: Always use complete sentences for all your answers. These are samples – I may ask you some of these, or I may not, but if you learn them you will do well on your DBAs.

Module 1

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

What is the capital of El Salvador?

What is the capital of Chile?

What is the capital of Argentina?

What is the capital of Colombia?

Give the answer to the following question: ¿Cómo estás? (Complete sentence – ….. thank you)

Why is it important to learn Spanish? Answer in English

Dónde vives?  Full address, using zip code. Use Spanish for Numbers and English for Street and City Name. State in English

Spell your name in Spanish.

What is the difference between informal y formal? Answer in English


Module 2

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

What does the word hora mean?

Say in Spanish, “My school’s name is ………………….”

How do you say 1:20 PM in Spanish?

You are talking to a new friend and he asks you ¿qué hora es? Tell him it’s 9:50 p.m. using menos.

What is the difference between the 24-hour clock and the 12-hour clock?

What are some differences and similarities between schools in Spanish-speaking countries and schools in the United States? (in English)

Tell me one complete sentence in Spanish explaining one class that you like

Tell me one complete sentence in Spanish explaining one class you dislike


Module 3

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

Menciona tres palabras prestadas del inglés.

Menciona tres palabras prestadas del español.

What is the difference between gustar y encantar?

How do you say, “I love Juice”

How do you say, “I don’t like coffee”

How do you say, “Apple juice is my favorite”

How do you say “I like coffee with milk”

Ask me a question with preferir.

Tell your friend that the plate is on top of the table, and the cup is next to the fork.

What are some differences and similarities between the mealtime and restaurant practices between the U.S. and Spanish-speaking countries?


Module 4

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

¿Qué hay en tu dormitorio? Remember to use the same verb in the question, when answering.

¿Qué hay en tu cocina?

¿Qué hay en tu sala?

¿Cuántos baños hay en tu casa?

Describe three pieces of furniture in your house, with colors and at least two adjectives each.

Tell me a sentence explaining in what room two of those pieces are in your house, using the verb estar.

Describe your house. How many rooms, what color is it, is it big or small? General characteristics.


Module 5

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

Tell me all the subject plural pronouns in Spanish.

Make two sentences using different subject plural pronouns

What are collective nouns? Provide three examples.

Create a sentence using collective nouns with three adjectives.

Create two sentences describing your friends or relatives, including names. Remember to use plural possessive adjectives, occupations, and two adjectives.

Describe your immediate family in Spanish. (My dad’s name is …. He works as a landscaper. My mom’s name is ….. She works at home. My brother ….. my other brother …… my sister ….

Why is it important to speak Spanish in any career?


Module 6

Remember to use complete sentences in both Spanish and English (as needed)

When asked a question, remember to use the same verb used in the question.

State two things you don’t like or don’t do using “ni”

Form one sentence using the prepositions sin and con in the same sentence.

Explain the difference between tocar and jugar.

Provide one sentence using tocar, and one sentence using jugar correctly in Spanish.

Explain the difference between gustar and encantar.

Provide one sentence using gustar, and one sentence using encantar correctly in Spanish.


Module Seven

Why do you use al and del?

When do you use ser and when do you use estar?

Provide one sentence using ser, and one sentence using estar correctly in Spanish.

When do you use saber and when do you use conocer?

Provide one sentence using saber, and one sentence using conocer correctly in Spanish.

Create two sentences explaining where the fire station is located near your house.

Why is it important to know the transportation system of a country you’re visiting?


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