Career Research and Decision Making
Career Research and Decision Making
Module 2
Explain in your own words, what does The Circle of Growth mean to you? Provide examples.
Explain in your own words, what does The Circle of Mastery mean to you? Provide examples.
What are some things you can do, if you do not know what you will do in the future? (college to attend, career, tech school, etc.)
What is a “gap year”? Would you do that?
Would you rather do an indoor or outdoor job? Explain your answer.
In your own words, explain what is grit.
In your own words, explain what is Growth Mindset.
How do you prepare for a test? What strategies do you use?
What are some keys to getting great, specific letters of recommendation?
How can you construct a captivating application essay for a college?
What are three MAD goals you have for yourself? Please explain.
Module 4
Do you think shifting careers is ok to do?
As far as HOPE, what does it mean? Which personality sounds most like you? Which sounds the least like you?
Explain in your own words, what do you think the word talent means?
Explain your talents.
What are passions? Use your own words.
What are your passions?
If you were a manager, would you hire a person with talent, or with passion? Explain your answer.
What makes a resume “Strong”?
How would you prepare for an interview?
What are some important final items to remember on an interview day?
Can you explain your weaknesses?
Who are people in your network?
Explain what are “interests”, as far as money.
Why is paying your debt on time important? Please provide details.
Explain the main types of insurance.
What are some things you should I know before buying a house?
Do you think is better to rent or to own a home?